One of the most frequently asked questions for visitors coming to Iran is about the dress code. It always has been a challenging issue for them and it seems that foreign tourists coming to Iran put on their most unpleasant piece of clothing, but is that really necessary?
The Islamic rules including Hijab or Islamic dress code are executing strictly during some spatial days and months like Muharram or Ramadan and people have to respect them however these rules are not very strict in the other usual days of the year especially for tourists and foreigners. It can be said that Iranians dress more freely these days, especially women. In some cases, you will be amazed by so fashionable youth and teenagers wearing world-famous brands.
Here, we intend to speak about what to wear in public places for men and women tourists. There is a note to say that these rules are about public places and you can dress freely in other situations for example when you go to your Iranian friend’s home.
Men Dress Code in Iran
It is always easier for men. There are fewer rules of dressing code for men in Iran, but you should avoid putting on shorts and sleeveless clothing, but there is no problem about short-sleeved shirts which are common clothing and T- shirts are also a good choice. It is allowed to put on jeans. Men should wear appropriately (dressing shirt or T-shirt and Pants) to visit the religious places like mosques. It is true about both men and women.
If you are visiting Iran on business, a suit is considered as a formal clothing. Wearing a tie or a bowtie is optional.
Women Dress Code in Iran
Many tourists become so surprised seeing the modern style of women clothing in Iran. It is very different from what they have in mind particularly in cities like Tehran, Shiraz and somehow Isfahan. Women put on branded clothes, high heels and have heavy make-up with their hair styled and painted nails, however in other cities like Yazd, which is more religious, women dress more conservatively.
Women should cover their hair and bodies (the arms and the feet) in public places. They should also avoid sleeveless or short-sleeved dressing. It is allowed to put tunics and cardigans. Iranian women usually wear a manteau in different colors and even in tight or short sizes. Maxi dresses or skirts (long skirts) are not very common however they are not in contradict with the dress codes in Iran and you are allowed to wear them. There is no problem about wearing jeans (even Skinny jeans), sandals and open shoes for ladies. However, in the case of religious places like mosques, the rules are stricter and women should wear a Chador and cover their hair.
It is important to know Burqa (veil) is not a piece of Iranian clothing.
It’s a completely false belief that clothing must be dark in Iran. There is no problem about color of clothing for both men and women in Iran and you are free to wear the color that you wish.
How old should a girl be to follow the dress code in Iran ?
Also there is probably an issue about little girl’s dressing code. According to the Islamic thoughts, some believe the little girls should obey the Islamic dress code or Hijab when they are 9 or 12 years old.
If your attendant little girl still looks childish and doesn’t really have any physical female features, there would not be any problem. Otherwise if she is really tall, it would be better to wear a loose scarf, but she can put on short-sleeved clothing and capris.
Kids Dress Code in Iran
For babies and children actually there is no limitation for clothing. Sleeveless or short-sleeved clothes, tops, shorts, etc. is freely allowed whether a boy or a girl. So if you are travelling with your baby or kid, do not worry about the clothes. S/he can put on whatever he or she is comfortable with.