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Koohestan Park

Home  »  Special Service In Yazd  »  Koohestan Park
City : Yazd
Address : Yazd-Taft road, Yazd

koohestan Park with an area of 50 Hectares was constructed in 2003 on Yazd- Taft road. It is greened by olive, pine, elms, robinia. It is almost the largest and the most popular park in Yazd which is a picnic destination for many local families and travelers who tend to camp in Yazd. 
Koohestan Park or as local call it Park Koohestan, literally means mountain Park, is built on the skirt of a mountain on Taft-Yazd Road creating a spectacular scene in this road. An artificial waterfall has been built to make the park and the atmosphere cool. The water is flowing through almost whole park and to the lake in the middle of the park where you can ride boats. 
There are lots of green spaces where people can camp and enjoy the park. On the side of these spaces, there is an amusement park that creates lots of fun for children as well as adults. On the opposite side of the camping spaces, there is a 5D cinema where you can experience some exciting minutes. 
Moreover, Koohestan Park includes playgrounds for children as well as some large parking lots where visitors can park their cars here safely. There is also a beautiful mosque for Muslim visitors who need to say their prayer here. There are also lots of food kiosk vendors.
If you are staying in Yazd or Taft and want to spend a night outdoors, Koohestan Park can be a well-equipped place. 


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