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Jameh Mosque of Fahraj

Home  »  Yazd attractions  »  Sights of Yazd  »  Jameh Mosque of Fahraj
City : Yazd
Address : Fahraj Village, Yazd
Type of attractions : Historical, Religious
Visiting days : Every day
Ticket Fee ( Non Iranian ) : رایگان

Jameh Mosque of Fahraj (the oldest mosque in Iran)

Jameh Mosque of Fahraj is known as the oldest mosque in Iran which is located in Fahraj, a village in Yazd. The mosque can be seen from each and every corner of the village due to its lofty brickwork cylindrical minaret. Simple architecture, lack of domes, inscriptions and colored tiles show age of Jameh Mosque of Fahraj as well as its Arabic style.

Jameh Mosque of Fahraj

Age of Jame Mosque of Fahraj

Fahraj Village is estimated to be 5000 years old. According to the late Mohammad Karim Pirnia, Fahraj Mosque dates back to the first century AH considering its architecture. The absence of the inscriptions in this mosque, which has been popular in the mosques since the fourth century onwards, adds to the degree of accuracy of this claim.

Jameh Mosque of Fahraj

Architecture of Jameh Mosque of Fahraj

The architecture of the mosque is very simple and pure. The presence of large bricks in the walls of this building, oval cornering and cradle arches, has made this Jame Mosque similar to Arabic mosques.
The building has three separate entrances: its current entrance is located in the southwest and two other entrances are in the eastern part.
The Shabestan of the mosque, which is the most important part of it, has three openings which are separated by rectangular pillars. The opening in the middle is wider than the other two ones. The shabestan in Jameh Mosque of Fahraj along with the porch across from it has covered the central courtyard.

Jameh Mosque of Fahraj

In this ancient mosque, there are two mihrabs; the first mihrab, in fact the main mihrab, is 2.32- meter wide and about 24.3-meter high. It is located on the edge of the central opening of the shabestan and the second mihrab, smaller than the first one, is made close to the first mihrab in the western part.
In December 21, 1970, Jameh Mosque of Fahraj was registered in Iran National Monuments List with registration No. 906.

Jameh Mosque of Fahraj

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