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Haftom-e Tir Park

Home  »  Special Service In Yazd  »  Haftom-e Tir Park
City : Yazd
Address : Kashani St.,Yazd

Haft-e- Tir Park with an area of 5.5 hectares is located on Kashani Street of Yazd. It is one of oldest gardens and parks in Yazd which was gifted to Farah Pahlavi in her trip to Yazd who devoted this garden as a public park to all people of Yazd and it was called Farah Park. After Islamic Revolution in 1979, the park was renamed as Haft-e- Tir, literally meaning 7th of Tir (second summer month in Iran). 

Haftom-e Tir Park
As it was mentioned before, the park used to be a large garden with thousands of fruit trees, and later other kinds of trees such as pine and elm have been planted in it. Haft-e- Tir Park is popular among the local people for its greenery and age. On the other hand, it is located near Mortaz Hospital and Mojibian Hospital, so it has been a charming place to rest or camp for the travelers who need to refer to these hospitals. The interesting point is that Yazd is one of the few cities in Iran where you are allowed to camp in the parks freely.

Haftom-e Tir Park
The park has a playground for the children to play in, water fountains, toilets, sport equipment, camping equipment, etc. There are also some ice cream shops, sandwich and fast food restaurants where you can complete you picnic. 
Just across Haft-e Tir Park, there is Mirror and Lightning Museum. 

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