Zurkhaneh Takhti is located in the old city of Yazd and dates back to 500 years ago. It is actually the oldest and largest zurkhaneh in Yazd which was first build with the purpose of Pahlevani and Zurkhaneh rituals. On March 8, 2009, Zurkhaneh Takhti was registered as a national monument with the registration No. 25366.
Although Zurkhaneh Takhti is an anient zurkhaneh, it is active in which Pahlevani rituals and sports as well as other zurkhaneh rituals such as charitable activities are practiced by the gentlemen exercising there. You can watch these activities and rituals for free.
To learn more about the ancient costumes of ancient Iranians, you are recommended to spend some time enjoying and experiencing the traditional heroic atmosphere of the zurkhaneh and hear the pleasant heroic and moral Persian poems and verses recited by Morshed who is beating zarb (drum) and zang (bell) at the same time.
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