Taqdiri House , a qajari house in the heart of the desert
This house is remained from the Qajari era which belonged to one of the merchants of Ardakan called Taqdiri.
The design of this house, like the other houses in Yazd, is four-sided and has a central courtyard with the rooms around it. The houses of Ardakan and Meybod are usually built three sided.
Architecture of Taqdiri House of Ardakan
This house is made of two floors and the materials used in it are plaster of clay and straw and bricks. It has two separate parts of noble residency and servant residency.
When we enter Taqdiri House which reminds us of the depth of history, its big courtyard multiplies its beauty. Its five-door and three-door (Panjdari and Sedari) rooms give a stunning view to the house.
Although the design style of this house follows those styles of houses in old Yazd, its badgir ( wind tower ) is like those of houses in Meybod and Ardakan.
The summer residency which is located at the south side has an open hall with a one-sided badgir. The house has a Payab ( water passage way ) through which the water of Bahaoddin Qanat flew and gave the dry atmosphere of the house a lively one.
It's interesting to know that the winter residency of Taqdiri House is among the few houses in Ardakan that has a badgir.
Current location of Taqdiri House of Ardakan
This house is located in Haeri Street hosting Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of Ardakan.
Taqdiri House of Ardakan was registered in Iran National Monuments on January 17, 1999 with the registration no. 2186.
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