Dr. Salehi House is a historical garden and an example of the contemporary residential buildings ( Pahlavi era ) located in Khatam.
Architecture of Dr. Salehi House
The two-floor building is characterized by arched ceilings. The main hall of the building is linearly surrounded by living rooms around it extending from east to west.
The ground floor has an older structure; while, the upper floor has been formed during Pahlavi era in order to increase its the capacity.
The decorations of the building include the northern and southern brick facades, as well as a beautiful plaster moldings along with the cymatium which have made a spectacular view of the interior space.
The materials used in the house consist of a variety of bricks, mortars, mud and stucco. However, the mosaic, cement, and brick works are visible in its recent years' repairs.
The entrance of the building used to function as a vestibule and separate the inner entrance and livestock keeping section.
Dr. Salehi House , A Shelter for All Ages
It is interesting to know that Dr. Salehi House is the only remaining building in Bonyad Town of Khatam , which has remained intact from the flood damages. Moreover, according to the villagers when the town was flooded, the house was a safe shelter for all locals.
Dr. Salehi House is located in the central part of Khatam.
Dr. Salehi House was registered in Iran National Monuments on March 8, 2009 with registration No. 25102.
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