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Protected Area of Kalmand - Bahadoran

Home  »  Yazd attractions  »  Sights of Mehriz  »  Protected Area of Kalmand - Bahadoran
City : Mehriz
Address : Mehriz, Yazd
Type of attractions : Natural

Kalmand - Bahadoran area with the common name of Gurab is located 85 km far from Yazd, 50 km far from Bahadoran and covers an area of 250,000 hectares. This region was selected as the first protected area under the protection of Environmental Protection Agency in 1967. In June 1991, Kalmand has been upgraded from forbidden hunting area to protected area.
Department of Environment of Iran was established in 1972 and was responsible for identifying and protecting unique areas, important ecosystems and valuable habitat and endangered species (plant and animal). For this reason, since 1975, the protected areas of Iran have been categorized into four groups: National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, National Natural Monuments, and Protected Areas. These areas cover 7% to 8% of the territory of the Yazd province, while the national average is 10%.
Kalmand and Bahadoran area is a protected area in terms of ecological divisions that has all the ecological features of the great habitat of Iran, such as the mountains, desert plains, and steppe plains.

Protected Area of Kalmand - Bahadoran

Native Mammals of Kalmand - Bahadoran Area

More than 24 mammalian species have been identified in Kalmand - Bahadoran Area. In 1997, the arrangements for catching alive, transferring and releasing Persian onager in Kalmand in this area was carried out and an observatory and a water storage pool were built. The most important animal species in the region include Asian Cheetahs, leopards, Pallas’s cats, caracals, hyenas, Blanford's foxes, wolves and more. In addition to the rare species, other animals such as deer, jubilees, chinkaras, Ovises, wild goats, jungle cats, foxes, Rüppell's foxes, porcupines, jackals and rabbits also live in this area.

Protected Area of Kalmand - Bahadoran

Native Birds of Kalmand and Bahadoran Area

There are certain species of birds in the Kalmand and Bahadoran Area. A total of 48 species of birds, such as sandgrouses, gyps, long-legged buzzards, Bonelli's eagles, Eastern imperial eagles, falcons, Saker falcons, Barbary falcons, kestrels, two species of partridges and See-see partridges are among the poultry living in this area.
Other protected birds in this area include Pleske's ground jays, greater hoopoe-larks, crested larks, house sparrows, white wagtails, little owls, bustards, rock doves, wheatears, lesser grey shrikes, kestrels, European turtle doves, golden eagles, pallid harriers, ravens, Eurasian hoopoes, red-billed choughs, bee-eaters, magpies, barn swallows, streaked scrub warblers, desert larks, Eurasian stone-curlews, falcons, mallards, black-headed gulls, and cormorants.

Protected Area of Kalmand - Bahadoran

Native Reptiles and Amphibians of Kalmand and Bahadoran Area

Thirteen species of amphibians and reptiles have been identified in the protected area of Kalmand. These species include one amphibian (Marsh Frog), one turtle, five species of lizards and six species of snakes.
Some of these animals in the order of lizards and crocodiles include large scaled rock agamas, cyrtopodion scabrums, knob-tailed geckos, snake-eyed, lizards and desert monitors. Eryx miliaris, Spalerosophis d.schirazianus, Coluber rhodorhachis, and Spalerosophis diadema are among non-toxic snakes of the region and serpents, Echises and horned vipers are among toxic snakes group.

Protected Area of Kalmand - Bahadoran

Herbal Varieties Found in Kalmand - Bahadoran Area

A total of 10 separate plant types have been identified in Kalmand and Bahadoran Area, which in most types the Mugwort is in first or second rank. One hundred fifteen plant species belonging to 35 categories and 100 genera in terms of different vegetative forms, including one-year, multi-year, seasonal, gramineous plants (yarrows, Aeluropus littoralis, sedges, Papaver alpinum, Ixiolirion tataricum, anagoras, anagoras ), bushes, shrubs and trees (Alhagi, Acantholimon, Prunus lycioides, almond, Atraphaxis, Calligonum, Milkvetch, ephedra, fig, Hammada salicornica, Pistacia atlantica, Pteropyrum, Prosopis farcta, Haloxylon, Tamarisk, Zygophyllum, ...) grow in this area.

Protected Area of Kalmand - Bahadoran

Traveling and Shooting Attractions of Bahadoran

The tourists, who travel to this area by obtaining the necessary permissions, while enjoying natural original landscapes can photograph them. The best time for photographing these arid areas is usually early in the morning or in the evening, because during these two times, many plants are at the peak of florescence and flowering.
Protected area of Kalmand and Bahadoran, close to the Zein-o-Din Caravanserai and attractions such as Bozesh heights, Persian onager breeding site, and the abundance of general species like goats and deer is an appropriate and significant place from the point of view of education, research and tourism that has attracted a lot of nature lovers and students.

Protected Area of Kalmand - Bahadoran

For more information about Protected Area of Kalmand - Bahadoran, please contact Raadina Support.

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