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Seyed Taj-Ud-Din Shrine ( Seyed Penhoon )

Home  »  Yazd attractions  »  Sights of Yazd  »  Seyed Taj-Ud-Din Shrine ( Seyed Penhoon )
City : Yazd
Address : 10 m away from Chehl Mehrab Mosque, Fahadan Neighborhood, Yazd
Type of attractions : Religious

Seyed Taj-Ud-Din shrine known as Seyed Penhoon is located at Fahhadan neighborhood in Yazd, 10 m away from Chehel Mehrab Mosque in Seyd Gol-e-Sorkh street, Koosheno alley.

Seyed Taj-Ud-Din Shrine ( Seyed Penhoon )

About Seyed Taj-Ud-Din Shrine

Imamzadeh (offspring of imam) Taj-Ud-Din Jafar is one of Imam Jafar Sadeq's grandsons (who died in 600 AH). He was one of the sayyids of Ali Arizi, the youngest child of Imam Jafar Sadeq (PBUH) in the 5th century AH. At the time of rulling Atabak dynasty, he lived in Fahhadan alley and became known as Seyed Penhoon (means covert man) due to his tendency to isolation and seclusion. As people mostly go to visit his shrine on Sundays, it has been known as Sunday shrine as well. It is said that he had always been fasting and praying in his home every day and night. He used to attend just in Friday mass prayers and got back home after that. According to historical sources, he supposedly possessed some miracles.

Architecture of Seyed Taj-Ud-Din Shrine

Seyed Taj-Ud-Din Shrine ( Seyed Penhoon )

This monument is a simple two-room building without any architectural value and just has a tiled piece with the shape of four-edged star. The monument includes a 50-meter hall with the sepulcher at its center and a round dome with the diameter of 3m and hight of 6m. 

A story about the death of Imam Zadeh Seyed Taj-Ud-Din

In Yazd modern history, these subject matters along with two stories have been mentioned as well and this story has been told about him:"before his death, Seyed asked for a gravedigger and a mortician and paid them to dig a grave for him and to wash (ceremonially) him after his death and bury him. He also asked them to not to tell anybdy about this. Then, at night, Seyed went to his room and didn't come out. When the daylight appeared, those two men went to his room and found him dead and informed the people about his death". After the funeral, he was buried in his own house in Fahhadan alley.

Seyed Taj-Ud-Din Shrine ( Seyed Penhoon )

A miracle of Seyed Penhoon

It is said that at the time rulling Atabaks in Yazd, one of the entourages of the governor comes out drunk from his house. Looking for wine, he passed the alleys one after another and got to Seyed's house accidently. Being drunk, he wanted to see Seyed and when he visited him, he hit Seyed with a log on his forehead and consequently his hand got stoned. When that man became sober, he asked for forgiveness. Seyed forgave him and he became one of Seyed's follwers.

Seyed Taj-Ud-Din Shrine ( Seyed Penhoon )

For more information about Seyed Taj-Ud-Din Shrine ( Seyed Penhoon ), please contact Raadina Support. 

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