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Shesh Badgiri Aab Anbar

Home  »  Yazd attractions  »  Sights of Yazd  »  Shesh Badgiri Aab Anbar
City : Yazd
Address : Shesh Badgiri Lane, Tal Neighborhood, Yazd
Type of attractions : Historical

Shesh Badgiri Ab Anbar ( Water Reservoir ) is one of the good works of Haj Mohammad Hossien, son of Agha Noor al- Allah Yazdi, which was built in 1279 A.H. in Tal neighborhood where has been known as Shesh Badgiri neighborhood after this Ab Anbar . 
Shesh Badgiri ab anbar is located in Shesh Badgiri Lane, Tal neighborhood, Yazd.
This Ab Anbar is the only monument with six badgirs ( wind towers ) which is famous for its beautiful octagon lofty badgirs and oval large dome. 

Architecture of Shesh Badgiri Ab Anbar

The monument includes two southern and northern entrances with two stairways. It is said that the southern entrance was allocated to Muslims and the northern entrance was allocated to Zoroastrians. However the hypothesis was rejected and it is said that the ab anbar was built with two entrances due to its location and population of the neighborhood.
Interestingly, the stairway is two parted: one outdoor part and one indoor part. First, we must go down the outdoor part to get to the façade of the water reservoir and then continue our way through the indoor part.

Depth of water repository is 12.6 m and the height of the badgirs is 10 m. The ab anbar is large enough to save more than 2,000 m3 and was fed by Vaghf Abad water, the most important flowing water through the city.
The shape and structure of badgirs reveal that at first three badgirs with a round repository were built and later other three badgirs were added to the monument by Ostad Gholamreza and Ostad Ali Siah, two skillful architects.
Badgirs were octagon to utilize all winds. Shesh Badgiri Ab Anbar is characterized by height of badgirs and repository, stunning architecture, fascinating facades with charming brick, muqarnas, and Karbandi decoration. 

Shesh Badgiri Ab Anbar in Iranica Encyclopedia

The monument is not only famous in Iran, but also in the world. Holod writes: "badgirs in Yazd are highly perfect in a way that there are several ab anbars with four badgirs and there is famous Shesh Badgiri Ab Anbar with six badgirs." ( Holod, Iranica Encyclopedia )

Shesh Badgiri Ab Anbar was registered in Iran National Monuments on March 24, 1978 with registration No. 1600.

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